Many people have been recommending that I read, “A Game of Thrones” by George R.R. Martin. I’ve read very few books in this genre – in fact that only one I can think of is The Hobbit. Having said that, for those of you who have read the book and watched the series (so far), is it still worth delving into the books now that the series is out? Pardon the noob question, but how does this series stack upRead more
Posts filed in: Book Reviews
Packing up, books vs Kindle, and the joy of dead trees
The movers are here today, shipping our belongings to Manila. We spent the week packing up and sorting through dusty memories. It’s really hard to narrow your life down to only 12 cubic meters; especially considering I arrived in Indonesia 7 years ago with only two suitcases. What goes? What stays? What gets donated to charity? What gets trashed? I don’t want to become a pack rat – I enjoy simplicity and minimalism to a degree. However, I do haveRead more
Top classic novels and nonfiction
Recently I’ve developed a strange desire to read some of the classic novels in literature and nonfiction. As the majority of Americans tend to only read through these while in high school or university, I believe we’ve missed out on so many great books. I have a number of classics on my shelf at home, but with my limited time to devote towards reading, need to be selective. So my question for you is, what would you consider to beRead more
Sci-fi book recommendations?
Ok, I have a confession. I’ve never read any sort of science fiction or fantasy book other than something like “1984“. I came across Dune in the bookstore the other day, and it sparked my curiosity. I’ve seen it compared to some of the better novels of the 20th century, including Lord of the Rings. Has anyone read it? Thoughts? Similarly, if I were to start off with one book from the genre, what would you recommend? I don’t mindRead more
Getting Published: Digital Portrait Photography and Lighting
Some of my photographs have been published in “Digital Portrait Photography and Lighting” – a book written by the lovely, talented, and award-winning photographer, Catherine Jamieson. She was kind enough to include some photos of Novita, Nana, and some other portraits of Indonesians in her book. I haven’t had the chance to see it yet, but it’s available on and most likely in many bookstores across the world. Here is some additional acclaim for the book.Read more
Snorkeling on a Motorcycle
As I’ve mentioned before, one of the things I love about Singapore are the cavernous bookstores on Orchard Rd. I have an addiction to reading (when I have time) and find that it only makes my craving worse to be surrounded by towering shelves of goodness. There are simply too many subjects that I’m interested in. Here’s a typical path I may follow in no certain order: Photography, travel, new fiction, graphic design, computers, psychology, mountain biking, new non-fiction, classicRead more