Balinese men enjoying a laugh. Click here for photoblog larger version. East Java, BaliRead more
Posts filed in: Indonesia
Shiny happy sunset
Since Novita said my last few photos ‘aren’t as good’. I thought I’d throw up a shiny happy sunset just for her. Very little adjustment (other than basic RAW to jpg stuff). Lembang, JavaRead more
Just joined posterous
Wondering if this could be the solution to my desire to post photos and words that I’d rather not eternalize on the ‘real’ blog. Here it goes! Posted by email from javajive’s posterousRead more
My newest adoration: iPhone 3G
A very kind soul has been generous enough to pick up an unlocked (by Apple) 16GB iPhone 3G from Hong Kong for me! The kind soul’s name is Brett, a Kiwi expat who has been living and working in Jakarta since 2005. He’s kindly agreed to trade prints of my photos for the iPhone, and I thought I’d take a moment to publicly thank him for going out of his way to get a hold of one of these amazingRead more
I’m not in good spirits today. In fact I’m feeling a bit ‘miserable’. My blog, my name, and my writing has been taken out of context and used to help spark a discussion about ‘miserable people’. More specifically, “Whether westerners and expats in Indonesia are miserable and unfriendly people.” Unfortunately, they used me as the target in this case. Hopefully those of you who have known me through the years on or offline can testify to the fact that thisRead more