Daring Fireball: Thorough review of the iPadRead more
Posts filed in: Jive
A huge number of iPad app reviews
A huge number of iPad app reviewsRead more
Magnitude 6.1 earthquake just hit Manila (USGS) – totally felt that one.
Magnitude 6.1 earthquake just hit Manila (USGS) – totally felt that one.Read more
Amazing! Paris 26 Gigapixels is a stitching of 2346 single photos from a Canon 5D II showing a very high-resolution panoramic view of the French capital (354159 x 75570 pixels!) Here’s how they did it.
Amazing! Paris 26 Gigapixels is a stitching of 2346 single photos from a Canon 5D II showing a very high-resolution panoramic view of the French capital (354159 x 75570 pixels!) Here’s how they did it.Read more
EOS 5D Mark II now supports 24p! And here are some great clips shot at 24p.
EOS 5D Mark II now supports 24p! And here are some great clips shot at 24p.Read more
Photographs from Indonesia via The Big Picture
Photographs from Indonesia via The Big PictureRead more