American Teachers Do More Work for Less Pay Than Their International PeersRead more
Posts filed in: Jive
Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1% [Vanity Fair]
Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1% [Vanity Fair]Read more
Time-lapse of San Francisco-Paris flight, with northern lights [video]
Time-lapse of San Francisco-Paris flight, with northern lightsRead more
6 Things Our Kids Just Plain Won’t Get
6 Things Our Kids Just Plain Won’t GetRead more
“50% of people who recover from lung cancer surgery start smoking again afterwards.” (according to the FDA)
“50% of people who recover from lung cancer surgery start smoking again afterwards.” (according to the FDA)Read more
People Are Awesome: This Guy Scuba Dived Into the Tsunami to Rescue His Wife and Mother
People Are Awesome: This Guy Scuba Dived Into the Tsunami to Rescue His Wife and MotherRead more