Manila flooding September 26, 2009

Manila is experiencing torrential rains and the Makati area is flooding quite badly. From my high rise, I can see many cars attempting to drive with water up to the top of their windows, and others ‘swimming’ in the waters – literally floating without any ability to steer. I’ve just taken photos and video with my Canon 5D mk II. I’ll be posting the video soon, but here are a few photos taken from a much lower vantage point:Read more

Taxis in Manila – why we need a car (aka white whine)

We’ve decided that we need a car in Manila. As metropolitan and accessible this city is, we’re feeling confined and limited in our options with using taxis. Many expats don’t feel a car is necessary, or even desired when taxis are such an easy part of getting around. I beg to differ. The last straw came yesterday when, after waiting for 30 minutes in a taxi stand line, we hopped into a run down taxi, exhausted from carrying 70lbs ofRead more

Our new apartment

We’ve finally started settling into our new apartment. We’ve hung some pics on the wall, but are unsure if we’ll be painting the walls or not. The furniture is coming together well; we picked up that new red rug and a nice leather sofa with dual reclining ends. My home office is quickly becoming a relaxing place to get some work done. The view is pretty stunning; both the ex-tallest building in the Philippines, and the red light district inRead more

Manila, Philippines – our new home in the sky

It’s now been a week since our arrival in Manila, Philippines. To cut to the chase; so far we love it. Our new apartment is fantastic; a high rise right in the heart of Makati – the business/expat area; all very upscale and metropolitan. We spent seven years in our home in Jakarta, so apartment living is a new thing for us. Our place is quite high in the sky and very spacious; 4 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths not includingRead more

Leaving Jakarta

Well this is it. We’re leaving Jakarta, moving to Manila. I’m typing this from a speeding BMW at 3am. The carefully composed post summing up my years in Indonesia will have to wait I guess. I simply ran out of time trying to spend time with everyone. We’re excited for this next chapter in our lives to unfold but are sad to leave our beloved Indonesia. It’s been a life-changing 7 years.Read more