Back in Manila in a new condo

Just a quick update to say that I didn’t fall off a cliff or get detained by the Filipino customs officers. I’ve just been wickedly busy these past two weeks since returning from the States. I foolishly scheduled our return flight to arrive the night before starting work. Serious jet lag abound. Work is going well, jumping right back into things, but have even more on my plate this year. If this all wasn’t enough, you may recall that IRead more

How to Photograph Lightning

Due to many requests, I’ll share some tips for photographing lightning. Please note there is no ‘one way’ to do it; this is just a jumping point from which you may want to start. This particular photo I took reached the front page of Flickr’s Explore. So what camera and settings did I use? Canon 5D Mark II| Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L | at f/4 for 7 seconds | ISO 100 Stay safe: Ok, this is obvious but still, ifRead more