Uluwatu, an ancient Hindu temple built high on a cliff above the the pounding waves below. Dramatic doesn’t begin to describe it. Photoblog version here.Read more
Posts filed in: Landscape
Multiple exposures – the best of both worlds
After the previous photo was posted, questions were raised including, “How did you get so much color from this shot (and I hope your response is not “I took it in BALIâ€), and how did you stop the sun from wrecking the foreground. Amazing.” Generally I don’t allow a peek behind the curtain, but in this case I’ll make an exception. Most you know that I don’t use too much manipulation with my photos. I generally try to remain consistentRead more
All is not lost
A volcanic journey into the heart of Bali. Flickr version Photoblog versionRead more
Island of the gods
Hindu temple on Lake Braten.Read more
Creating panoramic photos in Photoshop
Click here to see a larger version. Or here’s the ultra-cool Zoomify version. (gotta see this!) This image is a composite of fifteen Canon 5D 13mp RAW photos, stitched together using Photoshop CS3. The resulting image is so large, that it’s: Equivalent to 100 megapixels Is 20,000 pixels wide Could be printed nearly 10 feet long at high quality Is around 700mb in file size (only this one image will consume an entire CD) The process is quite easy ifRead more