
Here’s a question for you. How often do those of you who drop by this site view my flickr site as well? If not too often, I’d prefer to start posting most of the images here on a regular basis, as many of my photos never make it to the blog to avoid redundancy. I also have tried to keep most of the photos on this blog on topic with Indonesia rather than posting my “other” types of photography. WouldRead more

In the Corner

Along one of my walks, I came across a housing development built upon stilts. They were raised 3 meters over the swamp below. The homes weaved intricately through a maze of wood and life. One hallway led to a gang of children playing and laughing in spirits light as helium. All but this one little girl. Clutching her belongings. Not laughing. Not smiling. Alone in the corner. Alone.Read more