Photographer Adrees Latif tells how he took the pictures which won him a Pulitzer Prize.

Photographer Adrees Latif tells how he took the pictures which won him a Pulitzer Prize. “Tipped off by protests against soaring fuel prices, I landed in Yangon on 23 September, 2007, with some old clothes, a Canon 5D camera, two fixed lenses and a laptop. For the next four days, I went to Shwedagon Pagoda, two-three kilometres from the centre of town and waited for the monks who had been gathering there daily at noon. Since I was at theRead more

Yahoo cutting 1000 jobs… Is Flickr in danger?

This NYT article regarding Yahoo cutting 1000 jobs is disturbing enough. However, if you delve deeper into the article, you’ll read, “the company has said it would de-emphasize or shut down a number of other services, including photos, podcasts and a largely unsuccessful social network.” Now, I’d like to think Flickr is deemed successful and profitable. If Yahoo (the parent to Flickr) is not performing well, assuming they see Flickr as a huge customer base with massive potential, will theyRead more

Google Adsense: Taking the plunge

Since starting this site in 2002, I have never used any sort of advertising, no Amazon referrals, never accepted payment for promoting content, locations, or products of any kind, and have never used text links related to serving myself in any way. Being 2008, I’ve decided to ease into a bit of advertising, utilizing Google Adsense first. I find them to be relatively unobtrusive and quite relevant to the topics I discuss: photography, travel, Indonesia, Bali, technology, blogging. I haveRead more

Blog changes: awesome archive tool and "asides" are back

I spent some time updating to the latest version of WordPress today, and while I was at it, upgraded to the newest version of K2 – the theme this blog uses. I was impressed with the changes. Check out that tool at the top – the “older” link. Click that baby. Check out that slider action? Sweet huh? Also, the “asides” are back. I lost that function after upgrading in October. What are Asides? They’re kind of mini-posts. When IRead more

Five year blog anniversary

Unbelievably, this blog just turned 5. I truly cannot believe I’ve kept it going this long. It’s been through many iterations both in regards to style and content. It began as a way to keep in touch with family and friends, basically an avenue to avoid mass emailing. It morphed into a place for venting frustrations of an expat living in Jakarta, random ramblings, and finally more as a photoblog with less frequent writing. I’ve never tried to play theRead more