Photoblog and other changes

Ok, the new and hopefully easier to remember address of my new photoblog has been changed. It is now (drum roll please…) : A new photo awaits you. Separately, I spent Sunday night geeking out, updating the software that runs this blog. I’ve upgraded to the latest installment of K2. All didn’t go so smoothly – the footer is trashed, but hey, it’s a footer. The search tool has resorted to the original, not the spiffy AJAX style. TheRead more

New photoblog, Bali, Idul Fitri

I’ve been quite busy lately with off-line life. I spent a few days last week at the Ayodya Hotel (previously Bali Hilton) in Bali for a conference; turned out to be fun but a bit of a tease considering you have to be indoors all day while the glistening ocean is only minutes away. The Muslim Idul Fitri holiday starts Wednesday, which means a week off work. Unfortunately, if you’re a slacker in regards to travel plans, it’s a horribleRead more

Using Google Earth to find the absolute farthest place from home

Using Google Earth’s “ruler” tool, I was able to find the absolute farthest place in the world from Jakarta. I previously thought my home state of Michigan was pretty far from here. I was wrong: it’s only 9,856 miles from Jakarta. It turns out Bogota, Colombia is close to being the absolute farthest place from Jakarta at 12,436 miles. (The opposite side of the globe from Michigan turns out to be a place 1,300 miles off the west coast ofRead more

Heavy duty construction on this site

I’m in the middle of upgrading both the WordPress software and the design (K2) that is used on this blog. Please hang in there, it could get rough. *update* – the WP upgrade went smooth as butter. However, the K2 didn’t. My site was all messed up, so I’ve reverted to the older version again. I simply don’t have the time right now to mess with it. Hopefully I’ll get a moment in the next week or so to getRead more

Major Blog Problem

I’m having a major problem with this blog. For whatever reason, my comments are no longer showing up or have been deleted somehow. Additionally, I can no longer properly back up the blog via WordPress. Does anyone have any advice or can offer assistance? I’m going to be very bummed if all these comments were deleted. I do have a backup of much of this site, but (cringing) not since February. Obviously if comments aren’t working, then you’ll have toRead more

So many online groups, so little time. Flickr, Myspace, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

I’ve started taking a look at Jaiku. I’m always up for trying something new, but admittedly find it a bit overwhelming to have: a blog, flickr, twitter, myspace, facebook, friendster (ok, so I tried it), multiply, vox, regular chat accounts, not to mention the offline life. So I’m feeling as though I need to stick to a few very solid communities, groups, or technologies. What does Jaiku have over the others? What does Facebook have over Myspace? I’m still notRead more