The Power of Color

The power of color.

It’s unbelieveable how much colors can affect our moods. I decided to paint my house.

It seems that most people feel that “white” is the best color for interior walls. It’s like they feel that it’s “better for resale“, or “nice and clean“, or “makes the room feel larger“. I’ll tell you what – coming from the all white school of thought, I now know that changing the colors of my walls has a dramatic effect upon the ambiance of the house.

I decided that to best reflect the feeling of Indonesia, I would choose warmer tones. I’ve used a pallette of deep oranges, buttery yellows, terra cotta reds, and a sand color for the majority of my walls. Now when you walk in, it feels as if you’ve stepped into the American Southwest, Mexico, Spain, or Indonesia. I love it! I never thought that painting my house would get me so pumped! Now with some deep natural wood furniture, wrought iron, ceramics, sculptures, and some paintings – I actually feel like this place is livable.

Ok, anyway. I went a whole month without a maid. That sucked.

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking – that I sound like a punk – however the majority of people here have live-in maids. I really enjoyed having the privacy afforded by kicking out a shitty maid, but all in all, I didn’t enjoy the dishes, laundry, and cleaning that goes along with privacy.

I have a new one. She’s 20 years old, straight from the village, and probably has never seen a white dude anywhere but on T.V. She doesn’t speak a word of English, so I’ll have to get by with my crappy Bahasa Indonesia!

On another note – I finally purchased a domain name and web hosting. If you have no idea what I’m talking about – it means that the http://www. will now change to my own name that I have chosen. Once I finish the site, I hope to load it, and this blog will become part of that site. Hopefully I will be able to integrate a lot more into my site.

I’ll keep you posted.