Makin Honey

I apologize for not posting daily as I generally do. I’ve been a busy little bee. Why?

    My brother is finally coming to Indonesia! He may arrive as soon as this Thursday and will stay for a couple of months. I’m so excited to show him around.

    I have an absurd amount of work to do before my three week Christmas vacation (yes, I just had a vacation – perks of the job) on Dec. 17th – Jan. 9.

    I have a few plans in the works, more about that later.

    I’ve been spending way too much time researching stocks to invest in. Last week I lost $500 in an hour – way to go dumbass.

    I had a terrible cold and found it easier to kick back with a movie or book than exercise my brain by writing.

    Been getting back in the gym after a 3 week haitus – yeah I’m sore today.

    Devoted 5 hours this weekend to sitting in the sun while reading a book by the Dalai Lama as well as re-reading “The Beach” – a much better book than movie. In fact, when I initially read it back in like 1999 I had never contemplated living overseas. Funny how perspectives change.

    Last, but not least, I signed up for a “pro” account on – I’ve decided that it’s well worth the $42 / year. I’ve had the chance to see a variety of work on there, as well as speak to some very talented artists. I hope to use it as a medium through which I can further develop my photography.

There you have it. The reasons I’ve been slacking on posting. I still have remaining stories to tell about Yogya – hopefully I’ll post something in the next day or two. I know I’m repeating myself, but I truly do enjoy receiving your comments and emails. This site has turned into a great network; I’m excited to see that it has attracted some very talented bloggers and artists – I hope you’ve taken the time to check out some of the links.