The Apathy and the Ecstasy

Let me start by proclaiming that this will be a random post written in a state of complete apathy. It’s a Saturday afternoon and I’ve already worked out, already sat in the sun and read “Dude, Where’s My Country?” and have accomplished all that I had set out to do today – which was basically nothing. Downtime is a good word for it. It seems to happen to me when I know a vacation is coming up, workloads have let up, and I’m easily bored doing anything for more than an hour. That’s when my most random thoughts pour out of my cortex. I even had to number them to keep them straight.

1. This was amazing to me, but may not interest anyone else in the least. I have been browsing Flickr lately as you already know, and have even found some connections to people that I already knew. While browsing through completely random topics like “canon digital rebel” and then by region like, “Michigan” I came across the same guy twice – and he was the one who created both groups – even though they weren’t related in the least. Then if that wasn’t odd enough, I visited his website and found that he recently had taken a photo of the same exact building as I had – except I had taken it 3 years ago while in university from EXACTLY the same spot.

The same night, I received a comment on one of my photos from someone else, and in return, checked out his work. He had taken a photo of a building reflected in the windows of another building – in Asheville, N. Carolina – exactly how I had captured it this summer.

Ok, maybe I’m easily amused, but c’mon that’s kinda cool huh? Three coincidences in one day – and two photos taken exactly as I had, in different years and in different States.

2. Did you see the new photo ipod? Pretty cool, but it’s not for me. My current handphone plays video games, mp3s, and stores photos (oh and it makes phone calls) – guess how many of those features I use?


Why? Because even though it has each of those features, the mp3 player isn’t nearly as good as my 40gigabyte music player (which I like better than ipod anyway), my xbox blows away the games (although I never use it), and my photos are better displayed on my laptop, as are movies. Yeah I know I’m either a tech geek or a snob. I will hold my breath for the PSP – Playstation Portable (personal) – and see how it turns out.

3. A huge injustice has occurred within my immediate family. ThatÂ’s why IÂ’ve been slow to post. IÂ’m extremely pissed off, fired up, and wanting revenge. Unfortunately I cannot even discuss it with my friends or explain it on here until some decisions are made. Even then, IÂ’m unsure how I could deal with it considering the fact that it also directly impacts me. LetÂ’s just say that as nice as I am 95% of the time, I am hugely defensive of my close friends and family. When someone pushes one of my loved ones around, I push back much harder, and with disturbing force.

There will be a RECKONING – mark my words.

4. Take a deep breath B.

5. The elections are coming up very soon. ThatÂ’s all I have to say about that. The numbers are too close for my liking. I feel so far removed from America right now.

6. The rainy season apparently has begun somewhere in Jakarta, but it seems to continually miss us in the north. Still sunny and 90 degrees every single day of my life.

7. I hurt my shoulder so bad while bench pressing too much weight again. Ego schmego. Why do I even bother with lifting?

8. Nice to see that Osama finally officially admitted blame for September 11. IÂ’m sure Bush still blames Iraq.

9. I bought shares of Google at $175 / share – a VERY expensive stock. Everyone said I was stupid. 3 days later it is at $199 / share. I guess I’m just stupid and lucky.

I am still waiting for more of you to join Flickr – if you want me to send you an invitation with an account already set up, please let me know and I’d be happy to help. Like I said, I want to help further a company that actually “gets it.” (rarely)

11. I had Chili’s tonight – one of the only American restaurants that I actually like over here. Apparently it was bule night, as I blended in for once, yet still felt like a foreigner.

12. I still havenÂ’t moved my archives over to my new site, so IÂ’m actually putting each post on both sites for now. What a retard I am.

13. Scott is all better now. (see post below) Quit eating off of the street vendors buddy.

14. I am too lazy to post any photos today. Sorry. And by the way, I never grow tired of hearing your opinions – they do wonders for my encouragement, just not tonight.

15. I was told by security guards that I couldn’t take photos of a street near my house. I protested and told them they were phuckin idiots – no dice. They got on their walkie talkies and stated saying some white guy was insulting them and trying to take photos. When a half dozen jackasses showed up I decided to give up. As I pulled away I wanted SO badly to capture their expressions on camera.

16. I hope Shark Tale makes it over here. It looks entertaining.

17. Britney Spears is nippin out on Saturday Night Live at this moment. I figured sheÂ’d be using band-aids for live appearances, guess not. I still canÂ’t stand her, nips or not.

Something odd has been happening lately – I haven’t been viewing Asians as Asian. Everyone simply looks like a person. Perhaps the rest of the world should try it.

ThatÂ’ll do for now. Maybe IÂ’ll post something half readable soon.