I appreciate everyone’s concern in regards to the Yogyakarta earthquake. Fortunately, we’re all safe and sound, but thousands have perished in this terrible crisis. Due to the earthquake occurring in the early morning, many more people were still indoors than would have been later in the day – causing many more deaths. I feel as if Indonesia simply cannot get a rest from crisis these past few years. In only the 4 years I’ve been here the country has beenRead more
Posts tagged: #10-22mm
I’ve passed this beautiful stand of trees a number of times but always without a camera. A lesson I’ve learned: if you continue to think about a place after having left, make sure you bring your camera next time. Lembang, Bandung – 3 hours from my home near the volcano of Tangkuban Perahu. This gorgeous stand of trees is only minutes from the crater.Read more
Packaged Purity
For the Photo Friday contest: Home (actual submission here) I appreciate those who voted me into “noteworthy” last week – thanks!Read more
Chimera: Tea Plantations Exposed in the Foreground
Sometimes there’s so much beauty in the world I feel like I can’t take it, like my heart’s going to cave in. – Ricky Fitts, American Beauty The same image as yesterday, but this was better exposed for the tea plantation in the foreground. I think I like this version much better. I hope to make a 40cm x 60cm print of this later in the week if all goes well. I feel like so much of my time hereRead more
A volcanic journey only hours from my home in Indonesia. The fading sunlight provided only a moment to capture these rays before they gave up the struggle to night. Near Bandung, Indonesia – on the other side of the volcano: Tankuban Perahu. Another couple went with us for a quick escape from the madness of Jakarta; something I highly recommend even on a ‘normal’ weekend. With the worlds’ eyes focusing on Mount Merapi, I’d like to make note that althoughRead more
Into the Abyss
What are the convulsions of a city in comparison with the insurrections of the soul? Man is a depth still greater than the people. Jean Valjean at that very moment was the prey of a terrible upheaval. Every sort of gulf had opened again within him. He also was trembling, like Paris, on the brink of an obscure and formidable revolution. A few hours had sufficed to bring this about. His destiny and his conscience had suddenly been covered withRead more