11 inch MacBook Air vs 17 inch MacBook Pro vs iPad

This is a direct comparison of the screen size and resolution of an 11″ MacBook Air to a 17″ MacBook Pro. The following images demonstrate the same webpage in Safari, the same photo and palettes in Adobe Lightroom, and the gloss and glare of the Air and Pro side by side. Don’t put too much into this comparison, as it’s just a quick and dirty photo shoot with poor lighting. The resolution differences: 11″ MacBook Air: 1366 by 768 17″ MacBook Pro: 1920 byRead more

Random Randomness

I’m sorry for being so sporadic with posting lately. This time of the year, my workload triples for about two months. Any time spent blogging is guilt ridden with, “damn I should be doing ____ instead.” Since I can’t crank out any decent photos or writing at the moment, I’ll leave you with a few random bits. This is awesome – a homemade wi-fi signal booster. One problem with the new MacBook Pro is the Airport signal strength; it’s actuallyRead more