Posts tagged: #bandung
Elysian Fields
Lembang, above Bandung (Central Java) The raw, earthy smells of land and vegetation brought me back to another place and another time which was simple yet alive. Here, it is easy to understand that Java is in fact ‘the most fertile island in the world’.Read more
I’ve passed this beautiful stand of trees a number of times but always without a camera. A lesson I’ve learned: if you continue to think about a place after having left, make sure you bring your camera next time. Lembang, Bandung – 3 hours from my home near the volcano of Tangkuban Perahu. This gorgeous stand of trees is only minutes from the crater.Read more
Staring Into the Heart of a Volcano
Staring into the heart of a volcano. Makes you feel a bit insignificant. Continuation of the images posted yesterday from the active volcano above Bandung, Java. It’s actually much farther down than it looks – I’d say it’s about 1km across to the ridge seen before the green trees. I wish I could show scale – but it’s simply not possible with this photo. Where the ridge is, you can walk along a rough trail – something I’ll do nextRead more
Moonlight At Noon
I just returned from three days in the volcanic region above Bandung – a city about 80 miles east of Jakarta. The fresh, cool air is amazingly clean after breathing Jakarta’s gunk. Spent some time at the volcano named Tangkuban Perahu – still very much active, but equally beautiful. This is taken from the rim of the crater looking away from the volcano into the land below. Breathtaking doesn’t remotely begin to describe the visuals found here. Highly recommended toRead more
Volcanic Sunrise
I’ve been away. Pardon the time lapse. This was taken two days ago in the mountains above Bandung, Java. More to come…Read more