Etchings on the Digital Cave Walls: The Evolving Nature of Blogs

Well hello there. It’s been over 4 months since the last update, and I only posted 9 times in 2013. If anyone who happens to read this follows my other creative outlets, you can see that I’ve been anything but dormant – posting regularly to 500px, Flickr, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Despite the silence, I actually traveled quite a lot in 2013: China, around a large swath of the U.S. for 7 weeks, Indonesia, Singapore and destinations throughout the Philippines,Read more

Heavy duty construction on this site

I’m in the middle of upgrading both the WordPress software and the design (K2) that is used on this blog. Please hang in there, it could get rough. *update* – the WP upgrade went smooth as butter. However, the K2 didn’t. My site was all messed up, so I’ve reverted to the older version again. I simply don’t have the time right now to mess with it. Hopefully I’ll get a moment in the next week or so to getRead more

Major Blog Problem

I’m having a major problem with this blog. For whatever reason, my comments are no longer showing up or have been deleted somehow. Additionally, I can no longer properly back up the blog via WordPress. Does anyone have any advice or can offer assistance? I’m going to be very bummed if all these comments were deleted. I do have a backup of much of this site, but (cringing) not since February. Obviously if comments aren’t working, then you’ll have toRead more

Why do you blog?

A very nice communications student from Sweden wrote me, asking permission to ‘interview’ me with questions relating to blogging for her Masters thesis. I thought I’d share some of my answers. Please excuse the pretentious sounding answers. What factors determine whether something is worth blogging about for you? It completely depends upon my mood and the events surrounding me. Living in Indonesia, nothing is static for long. The culture, people, and environment are in a constant state of change. BloggingRead more

Is this site too slow to load?

Indcoup was kind enough to let me know that is very slow to load via his connection. I realize many of you are on absurdly quick connections in other countries, but here in Indonesia we’re ecstatic with 128kbps for $60/month (since there are no other options in our area other than dial-up). I have a feeling the youtube videos I posted from the floods are slowing this site down for many of you. I can also limit the numberRead more

javajive Blog's Four Year Anniversary

Well, it’s been quite a ride. Four years ago, I first started laying down my thoughts, photos, and ramblings with digital ink on this blog. October 2002 was a completely different time for me. I had only been in Indonesia a few months, and everything still held that glistening sheen of wonderment and interest. The Bali bombing (first one) had just happened, the mess in Iraq had not yet begun, bird flu was basically unheard of, and the hearts ofRead more