A Day Made of Glass 2 – A Mind-Blowing Glimpse into the Future

This phenomenal vision will require immense leaps in technology, bandwidth, processing power and a mind-shift in the way we interact with our environment. It’s both exciting and frustrating to know what’s possible and yet to realize we’re not there yet. From Mashable: Gorilla Glass manufacturer Corning has unveiled a follow-up YouTube video to its wildly successful “A Day Made of Glass,” providing another look into what the future could be like with the growth of glass touchscreen interfaces, from innovative chalkboardsRead more

Giving Back to the Community

As I mentioned last week, I�d like to get involved in helping out by giving back to a local orphanage. There are millions of Indonesians living in sheer poverty in conditions most Westerners cannot begin to fathom � where do you start? I�ve decided that if I can focus on helping one particular orphanage, I can help make a difference without facing the feeling of being utterly overwhelmed by a large charity organization. I support their efforts, but would preferRead more

Broadband for Brandon and Other Miscellaneous Ramblings

Finally. For the first time in 3 long years I’ll return to having broadband internet at home once again. Am I leaving Indonesia? Nope – just forking out the cash to succumb to the painfully slow and expensive internet service for my home here in Jakarta. Ironically, I work with computers all day and yet don’t even have access to the web from my house. I’m like the ass-cracked plumber who’s own basement is flooded. This is the primary reasonRead more


In many ways, it is the way Jakarta should be. When I say I went to Yogya, I was actually only in the city for about 4 days. The other 4 were spent in and around the city of Magelang, north of Yogya about 45 minutes. I suppose the best way to speak of my time there would be to break it down into separate posts based upon what I was doing. This first will encompass only the city itself.Read more