I’d like to pose a question: “Has the advent of Twitter, FB status updates, (micro-blogging) changed the way you blog?”. With this now, Now, NOW culture, have the days of carefully composed blog posts died? Have you abandoned your blog in favor of the dialogue and communication options available with Twitter and other tools? Has your blog been killed off, like a Mom-n-Pop bookstore wilting in the shadow of Amazon? Or have you perhaps slowed your approach to blogging, takingRead more
Posts tagged: #FB
A year older. A year wiser? One can hope, right?
Here’s to hoping another year on this ball of matter will mean a notch up on the wisdom totem-pole. My birthday will be full of meetings, but hopefully we’ll find some time to unwind. To all of you who’ve posted things to FB, I really appreciate it. Now I’d like to see how many of you’d remember without FB reminders! 😉 Cheers.Read more