The Indonesian government will invite five foreign bloggers on a round trip to Yogyakarta and Bali as part of the Pesta Blogger 2008. The bloggers are from the United States, China/Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and Malaysia. The blogging trip is a novel activity for the Pesta Blogger, the largest national-scale bloggers’ gathering in Indonesia. The five bloggers would start their trip in Bali on November 17 before going to Yogyakarta and Jakarta. The U.S. Embassy is also one of theRead more
Posts tagged: #Indonesia
Encouraging article about Indonesia, "Indonesia has already become a beacon of stability in Southeast Asia and the Islamic world."
Encouraging article about Indonesia, “Indonesia has already become a beacon of stability in Southeast Asia and the Islamic world.”Read more
10 Things you may not know about me
I very rarely agree to this type of post, which is exactly why I accepted the invitation from Chibi Alfa. They’re a bit long winded compared to most. I almost never existed. Let me clarify – my family is full of pilots and a love for aviation. My grandparents were both in the Navy; flight instructor. The day after their wedding, they were flying to their honeymoon, when the fuel tank malfunctioned. They almost died that day, and I neverRead more
Indonesia stock index tumbles 10 percent. The index has fallen more than 20 percent in three days.
Indonesia stock index tumbles 10 percent. The index has fallen more than 20 percent in three days.Read more
I’m not in good spirits today. In fact I’m feeling a bit ‘miserable’. My blog, my name, and my writing has been taken out of context and used to help spark a discussion about ‘miserable people’. More specifically, “Whether westerners and expats in Indonesia are miserable and unfriendly people.” Unfortunately, they used me as the target in this case. Hopefully those of you who have known me through the years on or offline can testify to the fact that thisRead more
Jakarta prepares for extreme tidal waves and flooding
From the US Embassy in Jakarta: (I live only about 2-3km from the ocean) U.S. Embassy Jakarta U.S. Consulate General Surabaya U.S. Consulate Medan Warden Message – Tidal Flood May 30, 2008 The US Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia, informs American citizens that the World Bank warned that a record high tide is likely to flood North Jakarta next week. The tides are expected to be at an 18-year high and World Bank experts predict that flood waters could be upRead more