Five year blog anniversary

Unbelievably, this blog just turned 5. I truly cannot believe I’ve kept it going this long. It’s been through many iterations both in regards to style and content. It began as a way to keep in touch with family and friends, basically an avenue to avoid mass emailing. It morphed into a place for venting frustrations of an expat living in Jakarta, random ramblings, and finally more as a photoblog with less frequent writing. I’ve never tried to play theRead more

Celeb sighting at the zoo

Saturday, Novita and I spent the day at the zoo in south Jakarta. As we were heading towards the exit, three women were walking towards us. Novita started talking to one of them; I assumed they were old university friends or something, as the conversation was quite bubbly. After a few minutes of small talk, I said, “Oh did you go to university together?”. (I tuned out their Bahasa – happens if I’m tired). It turns out the woman’s nameRead more

The Monk, my Neighbor, and a Celebrity O.D.

So the other night I pulled into my neighborhood. Driving down the palm lined street, I came to an intersection loaded with people, media vans, and police. I had no idea what was going on, but living in Jakarta for half a decade has taught me to hide my white-ass when I come upon such a scenario. I put up the heavily tinted windows of my Honda, and after I arriving home forgot the entire thing. The next night, IRead more

Photo Exhibition in Boston Area

After a hellish amount of preparation, the photo exhibition is finally coming together. The show starts today and will finish tomorrow night (the 17th and 18th). I managed to send 100 prints from Indonesia, 72 of which will be up for grabs. Matted, signed, etc. I truly hope it’s a success, as this is the first time I’ve shown my work without actually being there. I’ve come across many obstacles, yet all will surely lead me to a smoother journeyRead more

Human species 'may split in two' as predicted by HG Wells

A fascinating article on BBC makes some startling predictions about the human race. Far-fetched or not, it’s worth a read. Guess that would make the debate on Indonesian women and Western men a null topic. Evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry of the London School of Economics expects a genetic upper class and a dim-witted underclass to emerge. The human race would peak in the year 3000, he said – before a decline due to dependence on technology. People would become choosierRead more

Western Men, Indonesian Women.

Thang D. Nguyen has written an interesting post and subsequent discussion in regards to Western men and Indonesian women. I’ll leave my own thoughts out of this one, but would be interested in hearing how Indonesian women feel after reading this. Here’s an excerpt from his post: As my friend and I sipped our coffees last Sunday afternoon at Plaza Indonesia, he asked, “Don’t you think that many of the Indonesian women that white foreigners (buleh) go out with orRead more