I’ll be away for a few days. We’re heading down to the south coast of Java to get some surf and sun. It doesn’t feel like Christmas with 85 degrees and no snow, but at least part of my family is here. I should be returning to Jakarta before heading to Bali (hopefully). I’ll be reconsidering the direction of my site when I return, mainly in my writing, but I’ll be sure to keep up the images. Perhaps some ofRead more
Posts tagged: #Java
Bleeding the Ozone
As the evening set in, the colors of my bedroom took on a doomsday glow. I stepped out onto the balcony, sucked in a breath of the balmy, acidic stuff they call air, and glanced westward. The sky was in pain. It was as if hell had punctured the earth right here in Jakarta. In all my life, I’ve never seen a sky as burning red and intensely saturated. Pollution breeds art.Read more
Chicken soup for the skeptic’s soul. The days spent in this small town were some of the most humbling and thought-provoking experiences I’ve ever had. While living in Indonesia these past years, I’ve been witness to an incredible variety of life, yet somehow these travels were, in many ways more moving. This was not a tourist town or a widely traveled path for white guys – evident each time eyes were met with mine. People were brimming with warmth –Read more
Borobudur or bust!
I’ll be catching a plane in the wee hours of the morning for Yogja, central Java. I’ll be there for about a week, with or without ‘net access. I’m bringing my laptop, but only because I need to download the hundreds of photos taken – I’m not sure if I’ll have a satellite connection in the mountains where I’ll be. If I manage to get a signal, I’ll be sure to upload some photos and words. It’s odd that I’veRead more
Quality Time
South coast of Java, Indonesia.Read more
March of Time
The most magical drive occurs between north and south Java, slicing through the rolling volcanoes. Passing coconut plantations, rubber trees, cocoa, and tea plantations as far as the eye can see, squeezes amazement out of me without fail. Wondering through the hills we encounter villages every few minutes which offer a glimpse of the life these unique people live. For them, even Jakartans are tourists, and the big city a whole world away. The spectacular drive affords time to beginRead more