Strength and Beauty

Ok, ok, lemme clear this up. This picture is from Africa – not Java. Sorry about the misunderstanding. I saw this woman walking alongside a mountain road, and just couldn’t resist capturing the strength and beauty of the scene.Read more

Krakatoa and Indonesian Volcanoes

Most Indonesians live and die within sight of a volcano. The islands of Indonesia are a volatile part of the “ring of fire” that spans across the Pacific from Japan, California, Hawaii, and Southeast Asia. Indonesia is the sight of two of the world’s greatest volcanic eruptions, Krakatoa, and Tambora – which still have major eruptions 10 times a year. The volcanoes provide Java with some of the most fertile soil in the world! Why do you think the coffeeRead more

Fake Plastic Christmas Tree

Apparently that’s what I’ll have this year. Believe it or not, it’s a bit tough finding natural 8 foot pine trees in Jakarta. Well, and the fact that the country is 90% Muslim. This will be the first time in my life when I’ll have to relinquish the smell of pine needles, the impossible task of balancing the tree, and the never-ending fight to give more water to the tree than blood from my arm getting scratched on branches. Somehow,Read more

Welcome to the Jungle

Home? Yeah, I’m wondering where that is. Is it Indonesia now? Is it America? Is it Cape Town? Well, at any rate, I’m back in Jakarta. The Marriot was bombed downtown only days before my return – how’s that for a welcome home! It feels a bit strange knowing that I was eating sushi in that hotel in June! I must be getting used to hearing these events because it didn’t even really surprise me. I’m buying a car nextRead more

People Are People – the World Over

Well, anyone who is reading this may notice that I haven’t written in almost 5 months! It’s not because I’m lazy, bored, or losing creativity. I simply needed to stand back and gain some perspectives in everything that is happening. It’s been a pretty amazing year with arriving, having the Bali bombing, traveling, experiencing the Iraq situation from a Muslim country, and even everyday life. I believe some of my views have changed, and my perspectives seem a bit moreRead more


Elvis died the month I was born. Three years. Three amazing, long, crazy, insane years. That’s how long I’ve been living on the island of Java, Indonesia. Quite possibly the farthest place I could have chosen from my ‘home’ of Michigan, U.S. of A. What am I doing here? Perhaps we should rephrase that. What am I not doing here? I have a degree in Engineering / Design / Fine Arts. I ‘should’ be working in that field I suppose,Read more