We took a two day stroll in the clouds this weekend. Gunung Gede is one of Java’s highest volcanoes, and my knees will testify to that fact today. I can firmly say that it was one of the most stunning views I’ve ever witnessed. I’ll prepare and share many more photos throughout this week. Consider this a teaser – more to come!Read more
Posts tagged: #Java
Gunung Gede
In less than 5 hours, I’ll be awaking to the sound of my friend’s horn blaring through my dreams. We’re going to hike the volcano named Gunung Gede this weekend, so I’ll be offline from now until Sunday night. Wish us luck in the potentially hazardous conditions and slippery slopes that forms Java and defines the “Ring of Fire” in its spectacular beauty. 😉Read more
U.S. Embassy Warns of Volcanic Eruption in Indonesia
This just arrived in my inbox – not exactly the kind of message I see on a daily basis. I guess there’s never a dull moment in Indonesia. U.S. Embassy Jakarta U.S. Consulate General Surabaya Warden Message April 13, 2006 The U.S. Embassy informs Americans in Indonesia that the Indonesian Center for Vulcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation raised the alert status for Mt. Merapi Volcano in Central Java to Level 3 on April 12, 2006. Level 3 means that volcanicRead more
Weathered Wood and Blisters in the Sun
A villager poses for a moment as I pass through his kampung (traditional Indonesian village). Their homes are built on stilts along a river leading to the ocean. The traditional fishing village and tradepost has been around for hundreds of years, with little change evident. Octopus drying in the sun. Interesting smells wafting about this area – pretty much indescribable with words. Sunda Kelapa, Jakarta, IndonesiaRead more