I spent some time updating to the latest version of WordPress today, and while I was at it, upgraded to the newest version of K2 – the theme this blog uses. I was impressed with the changes. Check out that tool at the top – the “older” link. Click that baby. Check out that slider action? Sweet huh? Also, the “asides” are back. I lost that function after upgrading in October. What are Asides? They’re kind of mini-posts. When IRead more
Posts tagged: #k2
Photoblog and other changes
Ok, the new and hopefully easier to remember address of my new photoblog has been changed. It is now (drum roll please…) : www.thejavajive.com/photoblog. A new photo awaits you. Separately, I spent Sunday night geeking out, updating the software that runs this blog. I’ve upgraded to the latest installment of K2. All didn’t go so smoothly – the footer is trashed, but hey, it’s a footer. The search tool has resorted to the original, not the spiffy AJAX style. TheRead more
So What Do You Think?
Do you like the re-design? Bland? Boring? Simple? Clean? I’m not finished yet, but have made some definite progress today. I’ve implemented a variety of changes, some obvious, others not so much. It’s all in the details – like the menu above, the registration on the right side of the header (so you won’t have to always add your info if you want to comment), technorati tags, much more intuitive archives (check it out!). These changes should make the siteRead more